Thursday, September 21, 2017

Good Times, For A Change

*See, the luck I've had can make a good man turn bad.*

Well, BOOYA! Life finally gave me a win. I mean, like exactly one. After some extensively bad interviews, this other place finally decided to hire me as their Store Manager! I'm super excited. I'll be working a 9am-5pm job! The only downside is the 90 day trial period, which I hopefully will not bomb. I want those health benefits, damnit!

After 6 months of job hunting, I'm honestly going to try my best at this job. It really seems like it might be a good fit. Diablo help me, after 8 years at my other job, I'm ready for a change. Now, I have heard some pretty terrible things about the management, but I've also heard some good things. I'm just hoping I can make these people love me too much to be terrible to me. I know, I know, optimism feels as weird on me as it looks. Shut up. I officially start training this coming Monday.

In other news, my leaving the gas station seems to have finally spurred the Supervisor into actually hiring some people. Fucker. I will still be working a couple nights a week, probably for the next 90 days, just as a safety net. Because I'm all about the safety net after my last experience trying to get a better job. That experience, and the 6 months of being rejected by prospective employers, basically destroyed me. I don't think the people in my life can understand just how demoralizing that was to me.

So wish me luck! Or sacrifice some virgins for my success, whatever!

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