So, here's a secret that's not really a secret: I'm incredibly picky. In pretty much every aspect of my life. But especially with men. I'll be friends with nearly any of them, but I find myself incapable of being interested in them romantically. I mean, well, sure I'd like to jump the bones of a few...but that's a different story. I'm talking about dating. I know this is really frustrating for boys, but I just won't do anything with you if I see no future in the endeavor. It's just way too much energy expended for such disappointing results. Honestly, I see no future with any man. I think the man I want does not exist.
If he did, he would be a conglomeration of these characters:
1. Nathan Fillion as Malcolm Reynolds (Firefly/Serenity)
2. Joseph Gordon Levitt as Tom Hansen (500 Days of Summer)
3. Heath Ledger as Patrick Verona (10 Things I Hate About You)
4. Justin Kirk as Andy Botwin (Weeds)
5. Jake M. Johnson as Jake (New Girl)
6. Tahmoh Penikett as Paul Ballard (Dollhouse)
7. Jensen Ackles as Dean Winchester (Supernatural)
8. Johnny Galecki as Leonard Hofstadter (Big Bang Theory)
9. Jay Baruchel as Dave Stutler (The Sorcerer's Apprentice)
So, in sumation, the attributes I'm looking for in a man are(in no particular order):
1. Nerdy/Smart
2. Funny/Quirky
3. Chaotic Good
4. Honorable
5. Endearing
6. Handy
7. Possibly Jewish
Also, I apparently have a type looks-wise. Dark brows, strong nose, prominent jaw line, dark hair. So, okay, yeah...I knew that.
Monday, January 23, 2012
Saturday, January 14, 2012
What I Really Want
*Why do they always teach us that it's easy and evil to do what we want and that we need discipline to restrain ourselves? It's the hardest thing in the world--to do what we want. And it takes the greatest kind of courage. I mean, what we really want.* -Ayn Rand
I think these are things that I'd really like to happen in my life. Some are small goals, some are far-reaching, and some may sound silly, but nonetheless they are my dreams:
1. True Love. Not just making do, but really falling head over, with a person that is perfect for me. If that even exists. Until that happens, I'm fine with singledom.
2. To be a singer, and to get paid for it. Ideally, Rockstardom, but I think I would be happy just singing in a coffee shop. Honestly.
3. To live somewhere I can paint the walls whatever color I please.
4. To own a bird or two. I don't know where this desire came from, but suddenly it did.
5. An adopted girl-child. Not, like, right now. But someday, I would like to adopt.
6. More tattoos. I want so many more tattoos, enough to make my skin feel more like I belong inside it. So really, I just want to feel more comfortable in my own skin.
7. To learn more about the things I enjoy, like art, music, psychology, and the universe.
10. To own my own business. Maybe a cafe, or music venue, or bookstore. Hell, I think I'd be happy just to work at a bookstore(well, a cool one).
11. To finish writing a story and perhaps publish it. For some reason I would really, really like to write and illustrate a children's book. I'm a bit obsessed with the idea of contributing to a magic that has enthralled me my whole life. And children's literacy is a cause about which I feel strongly.
"Tread softly because you tread on my dreams." - Willam Butler Yeats
I think these are things that I'd really like to happen in my life. Some are small goals, some are far-reaching, and some may sound silly, but nonetheless they are my dreams:

3. To live somewhere I can paint the walls whatever color I please.
4. To own a bird or two. I don't know where this desire came from, but suddenly it did.
5. An adopted girl-child. Not, like, right now. But someday, I would like to adopt.
6. More tattoos. I want so many more tattoos, enough to make my skin feel more like I belong inside it. So really, I just want to feel more comfortable in my own skin.
7. To learn more about the things I enjoy, like art, music, psychology, and the universe.
10. To own my own business. Maybe a cafe, or music venue, or bookstore. Hell, I think I'd be happy just to work at a bookstore(well, a cool one).
11. To finish writing a story and perhaps publish it. For some reason I would really, really like to write and illustrate a children's book. I'm a bit obsessed with the idea of contributing to a magic that has enthralled me my whole life. And children's literacy is a cause about which I feel strongly.
"Tread softly because you tread on my dreams." - Willam Butler Yeats
Friday, January 13, 2012
Song of the Day: In The Sun - She & Him
Happy Friday the 13th! I just ran across this blog, Dan Blogs, the other day and thought I would share it with all of the people who don't read my blog. His posts don't appear to be that frequent anymore, but I'm more than happy running through his archives. The man cracks me up.
And because I feel like it, here is a post secret that made me giggle. And agree. Vaginas are scary.
Happy Friday the 13th! I just ran across this blog, Dan Blogs, the other day and thought I would share it with all of the people who don't read my blog. His posts don't appear to be that frequent anymore, but I'm more than happy running through his archives. The man cracks me up.
And because I feel like it, here is a post secret that made me giggle. And agree. Vaginas are scary.
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Resolutions 2012
Song of the Day: Wrapped Up In Books - Belle and Sebastian
I have long stood by the belief in not making New Years Resolutions...b/c I know I'll never stick to them, so why bother? Right? But this year I am very tentatively making a few b/c, idk, I feel like it.
1. To post more often on my blogs.
2. To pay my bills closer to on time.
3. To exercise more (cliche, I know. bite me).
4. To start singing in public again. On a stage.
5. To not buy so many movies and bottles of nail-polish. Really, it's getting a bit excessive.
Okay, I'll stop at 5. Maybe I'll actually accomplish one of them. I thought about putting "smoke less" on there...but who are we kidding? Haha, thought I was getting too optimistic for a minute there, didn't we?
I have long stood by the belief in not making New Years Resolutions...b/c I know I'll never stick to them, so why bother? Right? But this year I am very tentatively making a few b/c, idk, I feel like it.
1. To post more often on my blogs.
2. To pay my bills closer to on time.
3. To exercise more (cliche, I know. bite me).
4. To start singing in public again. On a stage.
5. To not buy so many movies and bottles of nail-polish. Really, it's getting a bit excessive.
Okay, I'll stop at 5. Maybe I'll actually accomplish one of them. I thought about putting "smoke less" on there...but who are we kidding? Haha, thought I was getting too optimistic for a minute there, didn't we?
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Environmentally Friendly
Song of the Day: Parentheses - The Blow
It occurs to me that happy people irritate me. Like these people are just too unimaginative to come up with some other emotion. Like happiness is a character flaw.
In the throes of boredom I decided to hit the Next Blog button and see what it threw me. In the old days it would send me to a bunch of poetry blogs, a couple random Spanish ones, and religious one or two, a heap of political jargon blogs, single post entities and those long dead. Today it fairly exclusively brought me scary religious blogs, family blogs, and biking blogs. Wtf? One was of a Mormon family of, like 12 or something. All of them smiling smugly at me, as if they knew something I didn't. Mostly I wanted to throw things at my computer screen, at their smug, delusional faces. As if contributing to overpopulation were a thing to be happy about.
I suppose I am not Mormon, and I have no offspring, so I wouldn't really know. But I am single, angry, repressed, and unhappy. These things aren't necessarily unpleasant for me. And I get to feel environmentally friendly(overpopulation is the greatest threat to the environment). Speaking of environmentally friendly...the Prius gives me an environment boner. I want one soooo bad.
It occurs to me that happy people irritate me. Like these people are just too unimaginative to come up with some other emotion. Like happiness is a character flaw.
In the throes of boredom I decided to hit the Next Blog button and see what it threw me. In the old days it would send me to a bunch of poetry blogs, a couple random Spanish ones, and religious one or two, a heap of political jargon blogs, single post entities and those long dead. Today it fairly exclusively brought me scary religious blogs, family blogs, and biking blogs. Wtf? One was of a Mormon family of, like 12 or something. All of them smiling smugly at me, as if they knew something I didn't. Mostly I wanted to throw things at my computer screen, at their smug, delusional faces. As if contributing to overpopulation were a thing to be happy about.
I suppose I am not Mormon, and I have no offspring, so I wouldn't really know. But I am single, angry, repressed, and unhappy. These things aren't necessarily unpleasant for me. And I get to feel environmentally friendly(overpopulation is the greatest threat to the environment). Speaking of environmentally friendly...the Prius gives me an environment boner. I want one soooo bad.
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
The Frakking Internet
Song of the Day: What Beats Within - Jenny Owen Youngs
The reason for my unseasonable postingness and blog making frenzy is that I finally got the frakking internet working in mi casa. I think I will never go outside again. This could be a bad thing. I haven't had the internet in about 4 years. I've been relying upon the library, friends, and stealing from my neighbors. Now I pay money for the convenience like everyone else. I am so excited. I also still have my pj's on at 5pm. It was awesome out today, and I experienced none of it. My house is too hot and I need cigarettes. I should prolly throw on some clothes and makeup and go get some smokes, but I don't feel like it. There's just too much lost time to make up for, so many webcomics to catch up on, and TV shows to find on Hulu.
Universe, I'm a loser.
The reason for my unseasonable postingness and blog making frenzy is that I finally got the frakking internet working in mi casa. I think I will never go outside again. This could be a bad thing. I haven't had the internet in about 4 years. I've been relying upon the library, friends, and stealing from my neighbors. Now I pay money for the convenience like everyone else. I am so excited. I also still have my pj's on at 5pm. It was awesome out today, and I experienced none of it. My house is too hot and I need cigarettes. I should prolly throw on some clothes and makeup and go get some smokes, but I don't feel like it. There's just too much lost time to make up for, so many webcomics to catch up on, and TV shows to find on Hulu.
Universe, I'm a loser.
Okay, so I broke down and made a new blog. I just couldn't help myself, the new templates were too tempting, and my old blog is too huge to convert. Also, I feel like it ties me too much to highschool and college, both important eras, if incredibly disturbing. So I'm starting fresh. Apparently I'm too retarded to think of an interesting title right now, so I just stole my old one (more or less). This will probably change.
I'm also trying the new blogger interface. Currently, I'm not liking it so much. I don't do change well, but we'll see. I'm also finally going to break down and try AdSense. Maybe.
I'm also trying the new blogger interface. Currently, I'm not liking it so much. I don't do change well, but we'll see. I'm also finally going to break down and try AdSense. Maybe.
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