Wednesday, July 3, 2013


Okay, so July is going to be mildly busy for me. I'm going to Chicago on the 13th to meet up with my Mommy and estranged younger brother. Then the 21st I am hopefully going to Warped Tour in Minnesota. Have to buy my ticket soon, just hoping nothing comes up, like work or Floyd blowing up or some shit. Then Sammi will be back the last weekend of July! Her mommy is having a retirement party. I'm just writing this all here so I won't forget.

Side note: I am a bit of a freak because I fucking hate traveling. I hate driving, I hate new places, I hate hotels, and just generally not being able to shit in my own goddamn house. But I freaking love planning and packing and travel sized things. What the fuck kind of sense does that make? So, yeah, obviously I've been making lists like a motherfucker. Because I'm prone to anxiety and this is my idea of a good time. Why people never believe me when I tell them I'm a fun-sucker, I do not know.

I'm also the girl who always has a band-aid and McGyver-esque skills with a safety pin. Just so you know.

Then there's work...where a lady we basically just hired, quit today. This past Saturday, she called in "sick". Later that day, Erin (the girl cop) came in asking where she lived b/c she was sighted with some guys in a car throwing rocks at the Hardies??? So then Erin goes to her house, where she finds our 50 year old new hire drunk off her ass, playing hooky. Jodi had to cover her shift (overnight) so, obviously she was a little angry. However, summer is a horrible time to be short of employees, because everyone wants to take vacation (I want to take a vacation) so she was just going to write her up and scold her. But Jodi had a bad feeling about her still, so she calls her today to make sure she's coming in for her shift tonight. Her reply is basically just "NO". What a rude fucking cunt.

So I guess at least I'll have plenty of hours this month. I'm just hoping I still get my weekends off that I asked for. So I can go on vacation and have a couple anxiety attacks. I mean fun, have some fun.

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