Friday, December 20, 2013

Comments on Comments

(Comments comments COMments comMENTS. Does comments even look like a word to you anymore?)

This is sort of a dirty little secret of mine, but a thing I like to do when I'm feeling bored or masochistic is to look at the comment section of random sites (twitter, facebook, cracked, youtube, etc..). For example, today after reading this excellent article by my future 3rd husband, Felix Clay, I decided to peruse what others thought of his hilarity. Because I am exceptionally bored today. On purpose.

A thing I've noticed about comments is a thing I end up noticing about people: they basically come in 6 different varieties. There is always (1) that person who genuinely wants to help/is perplexed by your humor. There is always someone (2) who is staunchly against whatever you say/deliberately takes everything you say out of context/does not understand context. Someone who (3) wants to suck your metaphorical (or actual) dick. Someone who (5) gives out way too much unnecessary information because they are lonely extroverts who just want to connect/people who think they are so awesome, everyone wants to know this trivial shit about them. And (6) the asshole 12 year old, aka. Troll. Sometimes, just maybe, you get the hilarious/useful comment that alludes to a person you might actually want to communicate with in the real world. You won't, but that fleeting desire is there. So I guess maybe 7 varieties. Shut up.

Anyway, I was sort of irritated by cherokeebride's comment of "Just because someone can't read your mind, doesn't mean they're thoughtless."

I guess you might need context as to why I find it annoying, but just go on this...the article was titled The 7 Worst Gifts People Seem To Give Every Christmas. This is posted on, a comedy site most notoriously known for lists and dick-jokes. This article is obviously going to include some over the top/mildly offensive humor. And the whole list is generically hateable enough to include everyone in the fun. So, if I were a person that commented on comment forums instead of a person who is so pathologically obsessed with her own opinions that she has a whole blog to post her comments to instead, I would respond to her that...oh shit, I just lost my train of thought.

Oh yeah, I would respond to her that there is this thing called humor that she has proven not everyone has in great supply. As in, some might have a small supply of it, and/or it might be defective in some way, possibly molding. Except that I would never rationally respond to this type of comment because it would be the most self-defeating thing I've done since that time the other day when I tried to argue Batman vs. Superman with a grown man who has a Superman tattoo. Which of course Cracked has already covered for me. I would instead troll the shit out of her. Because while I abjectly hate trolling, it is sometimes the only appropriate response.

-swift and Mediorite, however, are awesome.

So I guess to wrap up this long ramble about comments, I would like to say thanks to all of my imaginary readers for not commenting. I would probably just think you are insufferable anyway. 

Thursday, December 19, 2013

A Quote You Try To Live By

The prompt says "a quote," but I'm going to do a few...because I am a whore for quotes. I love them. Deal with it.

1. "Do not feel lonely, the entire universe is inside you." -Rumi
This, and my extreme need for solitude, is why I'm rarely if ever lonely.

2. "There is only one way to avoid criticism: do nothing, say nothing, be nothing." -Aristotle
I used to be so worried about how others viewed me. So much so that I would make myself into something less than a person with a full range of likes and dislikes and personality. This reaffirms my resolve to just be myself.

3. "We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are." -Anais Nin
I love this quote as a reminder to myself that not everyone sees things in my perspective, and also to constantly check my own views and how they are biased, not necessarily truth.

4. "I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night." - Aristotle
The night sky intrigues, astounds, and soothes me. I have never been afraid of going anywhere at night (past the age of 4) because my obsession with stars and space (and okay, some morbid things) has made it impossible for me to feel anything but good about the night.

5. "I am the hero of this story, don't need to be saved." -Regina Spektor
Technically these are song lyrics, but I feel it's been vital to me. Vital to realize that you are the hero of your own story, and you need no saving. You need to save yourself. I need to save myself from my own problems, not wait around for some one else to pick up the pieces.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

5 Ways To Win Your Heart

1. Make Me Laugh
It's not hard. I have a sense of humor that ranges from juvenile to cynical, so I find pretty much anything funny. So if someone can't even accomplish's just not going to happen.

2. Be Open
I like to dive into people's brains and try to figure them out, so I appreciate when they allow this. Maybe don't divulge everything up front, but if I don't even know who you are, how am I supposed to know how I feel about you.

3. Be Open-Minded
The best sort of people, in my opinion, are the ones who understand the fact that people can be different from them, and value different things, and still be awesome. I'm not saying they have to be perfectly zen with the world and in love with everyone, but maybe just tolerant of opinions not their own.

4. Be Passionate
About something. Anything really, except maybe murder.

5. Feed Me
I basically hate cooking, it's super boring, and end up going out to eat a lot. So I guess whenever someone makes me food, I think that is pretty epic. If you feed me, I will pretty much love you forever. 

Monday, December 16, 2013

One Thing You're Excited For

Okay, I'm going to kick this shindig off with the last item on the 30 Day Prompts list because I like the symmetry of #1 being One Thing. Also, I'm one day late with this! So, without further ado...

The one thing I'm excited for is getting a bird. Specifically, a cockatiel. My dad had a pair of cockatiels, Ward and June, when I was younger and I was always pretty in love with them. Well, Ward anyway. June was a bitch. Which is why I'm planning on getting a male, apparently they learn to sing/talk better than females, presumably due to some evolutionary mating thing.

Last week, I finally asked my landlady if she would charge me the pet fee if I got a bird, and if so, how much that would be. She replied that technically, the apartment owners don't want birds in the apartments at all, and usually the pet fee is $900. However, she said I could get a bird if I wanted, so long as I didn't fuck up the carpet, and she wouldn't tell the owners. No pet fee required. So that was pretty fucking sweet of her. So glad she loves me.

I ordered the bird cage and received it this week, set it up yesterday. It is super cute. Now I am just waiting for my next paycheck so that I can actually buy the goddamned bird. However, I want to get one from a breeder, not a pet store, and the closest breeder lives in Sioux City. Two fucking hours away. So I'm not excited about that. But I am super fucking psyched to get my bird. Even though everyone thinks I'm crazy for wanting a bird.

Why the fuck is everyone so biased about birds? It's not like dogs are so goddamn great, they shit and piss all over, you have to walk them, they bark for no reason, and they smell like...well, dog. So fuck y'all. I'm getting a motherfucking bird. And I'm excited.

Saturday, December 14, 2013

30 Day Journal Prompts

Finally getting around to this...though I may change a few of them or do them out of order. And let's be honest, I'm probably not going to be very faithful to the "every day" thing. Whatever. I'll officially start tomorrow.