To me, Chivalry is not about opening doors or pulling out chairs. Honestly, I can open my own goddamn door. I am incredibly confused by the chair thing. It's awkward and saves nobody anything. To me, chivalry is about being brave, decent and kind. In the modern times, this would translate into
not STARING at my boobs, NOT fucking me when I'm too drunk to know your name, and maybe
just taking my drunk ass home.
Modern woman is unimpressed with your
Chivalry. You claim we killed it, but I claim you underachieved it. Look up
Chivalry on Wikipedia. Chivalry had to do with Courage, Honor, and Service and to protect the weak and defenseless. Women's Liberation didn't undermine shit. Should I be
honored that you decided to open a door for me? Seeing as I'm perfectly capable of opening my own doors (I even open doors for men sometimes *gasp*) I would say
no. Respect for a woman in today's terms means a bit more than doors. If you are unable to keep up with the times, that is one thing, but blaming the death of chivalry on
us is just another.
If you feel slighted or betrayed or whatever, you obviously have no concept of what the term "chivalry" actually refers to. Yes, it refers to a list of codes that honor your fellow man as well as womankind, but it also has something to do with heroic actions and the continuation of beauty. Honestly if you are going to try employing heroic deeds of valor to win over your woman's heart...try a little harder. Or stop fucking whining in any case, because whining has got to be the least chivalric/attractive thing to happen, like,